Monday, December 24, 2012

One to Thirty-Four

At one,
you've barely begun
At two,
you're a toddling attitude
By three,
You've learned to properly pee
At four,
you've lost the touch to adore,
And by five,
you've answered with nine,
looking forward to more.
At six,
it's time to meet other school kids
Dad takes you the first day,
but mysteriously calls in sick.
At seven,
it's time to get your front teeth in
By eight,
bedtime stories are so lame!
At nine,
it's a struggle in the lunch line
with ole what's-his-name?
By ten,
you've learned about original sin.
Then comes Eleven,
and its pre-teen indolence
With the arrival of twelve,
you're back in form giving us hell
At thirteen,
you're a brat that gleeks well
By fourteen,
your friends deplete the streets,
But some stay on to sell weed
At fifteen,
you smoke your first cig
and dream of a girl's tits
By sixteen, you're behind the wheel,
while your parents on pews kneel
At seventeen,
you wish you were eighteen
At eighteen,
you would have traded an election year
for the right to drink a beer
At nineteen,
you've pierced an ear,
or colored yourself queer
At twenty-one, you're finally legal:
Time for a Bud in the pub.
But by twenty-two,
you've already drunk too much
At twenty-three,
one more year's just one too many,
So twenty-four comes and goes,
leaving twenty-five coming in tow...
And twenty-six just blows!
It's twenty-seven that makes
you know, that Thirty's comin'
And twenty-eight's too late
To get off 29's train
Forget it, it's fate!
Hold up, Thirty-One,
I am ready again for some fun!
With thirty-two comes the blues,
But by now it's old news --
You should be a parent
with your own toddler of two!
Thirty-three is temporarily glee,
If only for the Three that's doubled
At this age, crow's feet are subtle,
And you prefer goin' to work
with stubble.
By thirty-four, you're disgruntled;
You've become a bore
You read Dilbert,
Feel carpal-tunnel sore,
And, at least once,
Considered a mistress or a whore.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We are witnessing the decimation of America. The Fall of the Republic. The end of a great achievement in human history. A lack of common sense has taken hold of America. Gun owners want to unite in face of growing violence and buy more guns. Pacifists want fewer guns, but they do not see that the Government has become statist and very powerful. The NRA is the last bastion that is confronting an assault by Big Brother on the people of America. The Department of Homeland Security is arming itself to the teeth. Did you know they recently bought their own arsenal? What's the solution, America? Your government is running psy-ops on your nation, killing children and innocents from Aurora to Newtown, in order to convince you that you do not need guns. Yet you would like to now take away your one last protection that's left you, which is your Second Amendment. Fine by me. Hang yourself on your own noose. Give up your right to bear arms! Because it is that right alone that prevents officers from storming your houses with unreasonable search and seizure, and prevents a standing-army to stand against you! If they can repeal the Second Amendment, you will be standing before your captors naked. Other rights will be in jeopardy. Their names are Miranda and habeas corpus.

America, will you continue to be duped? My guess is you will, yes. Here's why. You've already been before.

First, it was Islam. And the Government successfully preyed upon your poor knowledge of religion and the evil governments your government once funded, and they used your tax dollars to mobilize a great army to start another crusade into Afghanistan and Iraq. (Don't tell me about 9/11 - that was a false flag that your country devised.) And they claim that the world is now better after your sons and daughters died. How dare they! Those people died through no fault of your own - you were complacent to their demands. They claimed there were mobile weapons of mass destruction, and you bought it. You elected the fools that made the decisions to go to war and put your children in harm's way. And you wore the ribbons of remembrance, and stood beside those politicians that gave condolences - condolences that were fake and lacking in compunction and remorse - probably as those same politicians were pocketing money for companies, making a lot of money on contracts. Moreover, and regrettably, your sons and daughters are tacitly responsible for the violence we currently see in these nations. Nations that once were peaceful and organized under dictators, are now experiencing tribal and sectarian rifts begun by Americans.

And what is interesting about that violence you now see. Much of it is sectarian and tribal in nature. You can equate it to gang violence. Retributive forces of an old conflict. But you hear about a car bomb and an IED, and you immediately think it is al-Qaeda. Well, that was the plan. The idea was to make you focus on why muslims are violent, and extort an idea of violence from the region, but also make you forget just how many murders you suffer at home. My medium-sized city, Oklahoma City, has exceeded 100 murders in 2012. This is just one city in America. Forget about Baghdad a moment, please.

Are you disabusing yourself, finally, of the notion that your nation is great, blessed and self-righteous? Well, the people of the United States can do better. They are capable of petitioning for change, dying for a cause other than their own jobs. It is your turn to do the world a favor by not electing your, so they don't invade nations, tax you to death in the process of doing so, and take away your rights all the while. You will do yourself a great service, too, if you don't cry for loved ones that did not necessarily have to die, and not go to bed with guilt-ridden consciences. 

Nations should determine their own sovereignty, and the United States will fail if it continues to drive their notion of sovereignty.

Nations such as the United States lose when they murder their own. The more the United States murders their own, the closer it is to the brink of its own catastrophe. The Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns - self-manslaughter and murder, which also led to ethnic cleansing. 9/11 - murder. Newtown - murder. Cover up. Cover up. Cover up. Let's see if we see continue in this same thread.

Always, always look to how the laws and rights of Americans is diminished after such attacks. Look how the freedom of speech is altered. Look how many freedoms we lost, for example, due to the creation of TSA and DHS.

I most recently tried posting a comment on a NY Times article. It was removed twice. Where's the freedom to speak? And notice that all the comments were one-directional, giving the people an idea that everyone is of unanimous opinion.  Freedom of speech is on the way out through creative censorship. Pick and choose who gets to comment and how.

America is falling as WTC 7 fell. Without fanfare, notice, or care.